Affordable Housing Assistance in Hawaii: Types of Help Available

Hawaii is home to a variety of assistance programs designed to help low-income homeowners repair, improve, or modernize their homes. The Section 504 Home Repair Program provides loans to very-low income homeowners, while the USDA offers grants for free repairs. The Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee is comprised of affordable housing leaders from across the state, and the Hawaii County Housing Agency works with people in the county who need free repairs. The South Carolina Housing Trust Fund (SC HTF) is a valuable resource for developing and maintaining safe, affordable, and quality housing for low to very low income households in the state. The SC HTF provides funding and assistance for qualifying home repairs and supportive housing projects through three main programs: the Home Repair Program, the Critical Home Repair Program, and the Supportive Housing Program.

The Advisory Committee advises SC Housing on housing needs, recommends areas of the state where affordable housing should be encouraged, and provides other information relevant to SC Housing. Affordable housing, community engagement programs, housing navigation, fair housing, financial resources, mediation centers for landlords, and housing plans are all available. The Supportive Housing Program helps develop affordable rental housing options for individuals and families with complex housing needs who may need supportive services to live independently in the community. The results and conclusions of the housing planning studies being conducted in Hawaii are important tools that can be used by those planning and developing new housing opportunities for the population of Hawaii during the remainder of this decade. In conclusion, there are a variety of assistance programs available in Hawaii to help low-income homeowners repair their homes. These include loans from the Section 504 Home Repair Program, grants from the USDA, and resources from the SC HTF.

Additionally, there are a variety of other programs available to help with affordable housing in Hawaii such as community engagement programs, housing navigation, fair housing, financial resources, mediation centers for landlords, and housing plans.

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