Affordable Housing in Hawaii: What Assistance is Available for Closing Costs?

Are you looking to purchase an affordable home in Hawaii? Closing costs can be a major obstacle for many first-time homebuyers. Fortunately, there are several assistance programs available to help with these costs. Here is a look at some of the options.

Deferred Closing Cost Loan

: This program is a 15-year deferred counterparty loan.

The loan will not accrue interest or require monthly payments, but it will fully expire at the end of the term. This program offers a 15-year deferred loan with no interest or monthly payments. The funds can be used for down payment and closing costs (including reducing the rate).

Hawaii Legal Aid Society

: The Hawaii Legal Aid Society provides comprehensive housing counseling services at their office in Honolulu.

They offer advice and assistance on a variety of topics related to purchasing a home, including closing costs. They can also provide information on other assistance programs available in the state.

Mortgage Credit Certificate

: The Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) offers an exclusive mortgage credit certificate for first-time homebuyers. This program provides a tax credit of up to 20% of the mortgage interest paid each year.

This can help reduce the amount of money needed for closing costs. These are just a few of the assistance programs available to help with closing costs on affordable housing in Hawaii. If you are looking to purchase a home in the state, it is important to research all of your options and find the best program for your needs.

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